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Flow pack packing method

We’re developing for you!
Flow pack packing method

We’re developing for you – Now, our offer features also foiling/packing on the horizontal FlowPack AHP-45-3S machine, that packs/foils solids and regular objects.


Flow pack packing method - Emerson


Thanks to this, we are able to, in an automated manner, pack such items as: masks, silverware, bags, toys, gadgets, collector cards, competition coupons, loose objects on a trace or in a box, pens, notepads, etc. For packing, we use various foils and heat-welded laminates, printed and transparent. According to the latest trends on the packaging market, we also use biodegradable, compostable corn starch foils. Apart from packing services, we also design packages and manufacture foil upon individual request of our Customers.

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