Used for continuous printing on dot matrix printers.
Available sizes:
- side width: from 150 mm to 420 mm,
- page lengths: 6”, 8”, 8 1/3”, 11”, 12” i 12 1/2”.
Made as single page fanfold or as a multiple selfcopy form.
Colors of individual layers: the first layer – white, intermediate layers respectively – yellow, green, yellow, green, the last layer – pink. Other colors are also possible at the customer’s special request.
We offer:
- double-sided print in full color,
- all kinds of perforation,
- the possibility of glueing in traction,
- mechanical numbering or ink-jet personalization,
- neutralizing ink, i.e. selective blocking of copying,
- any weight range and color scheme of the raw material,
- and others for individual request.