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Folders for segregators

We offer trays to organize the contents of the segregators in several colors. Folders for segregators are irreplaceable office accessories that help organize documents and facilitate access to important information.

Folders are used to organize things that are in the segregators. You can separate the documents in a colorful way, for example by month, type of document. This way you will find what you are looking for faster. The liners are cardboard, have holes on the side, which fit all classic segregators.

Folders for segregators are an essential organizational tool in any office and for people who want to keep their documents in order. They help you find the necessary documents quickly and easily. They fit most standard sizes of segregators.



Size: 1/3 A4, packed 100 pcs.

Technical Specifications

Size: 1/3 A4, packed 100 pcs.

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osoba kontaktowa

Barbara Papiernik

Sales Department Manager


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