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Sales support gadget – “Back to school” – desk organizer

For Maspex, one of the largest companies in the Central and Eastern Europe in the segment of food products, we designed and manufactured the gadget for sales support for Kubuś.

For Maspex, one of the largest companies in the Central and Eastern Europe in the segment of food products, we designed and manufactured the gadget for sales support for Kubuś.

The undertaking took place when kids were going back from school, so the customer decided that the gadget must be strictly associated with this event.

As a result, a do-it-yourself desk organizer was designed, obviously of the paperboard, our favorite raw material. It is cheap, since it is made of paper. It’s fast, since the entire manufacturing process – from the concept, to manufacturing, co-packing and distribution – took place under one roof in Poland. It is efficient, since supporting sales with practical gadget is always a good idea.

Sales support gadget - “Back to school” - desk organizer - Emerson

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